Friday, May 4, 2012

Oscar the Sunflower

After getting off to a rough start (meaning Oscar I died and had to be replaced with Oscar II), this is my resulting sunflower! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mitochondrial Eve

This refers to the woman from whom all living humans descend on their mother's side. All mitochondrial DNA in each person is a direct result of hers because all mitochondrial DNA is passed from mother to child without recombinationMitochondrial Eve is estimated to have lived around 200,000 years ago, most likely in East Africa. This woman is the most recent person to whom all people can trace their genealogy; there were many women who came before and after her, but her life is the point from which all modern branches on humanity's family tree grew.
Animal Testing

Animal testing is the use of non-human animals in experiments. Around 50–100 million vertebrate animals are used in experiments annually. I have not decided if I am for or against animal testing. On the plus side, we as humans benefit from the discoveries found through experiments done on animals first. It is definitely safer, for us anyway, to test on something other than humans before the drug or whatever is released to humans. However, animals are often treated cruelly during these experiments and that is not right at all. Can there not be a happy medium?!

Standard Operating Procedure

Overview:  We will teach you how to leave Mercer University in your car

Equipment/ Supplies:
Equipment: The equipment you’ll need is a safe car with all of its parts working, especially a seatbelt.
Supplies:  You will need a set of keys to a car, preferably your own car, a comfortable outfit, and a pair of close-toed shoes.

Step One:  Find your car in the parking lot
Step Two:  Unlock your car and get into your driver’s seat
Step Three:  Close your door and put your seatbelt on
Step Four:  Stick your key into the ignition and turn your car on
Step Five:  Put your foot on the brake and put your car into “reverse”
Step Six:  Check your rearview mirrors and slowly let your foot off the brake in order to roll out of your spot
Step Seven:  Turn your wheel clockwise/ counterclockwise depending on where the exit is
Step Eight:  Once out of the parking spot fully, press the brakes and put the car into “drive”
Step Nine:  Turn your wheel the opposite way it was backing out, and slowly let off the brakes
Step Ten:  Once your wheel is straightened and you are headed towards the exit, let off the brakes fully and you can even press on the gas
Step Eleven:  Once at the exit of the parking lot, make sure you stop/ yield according to the signs provided
Step Twelve:  After following the signs, you are out of the parking lot and on the roads!  CONGRATS!

Quality Control:  Always make sure your car has gas and battery before you drive.  Make sure you remember where you parked so you’re never searching around for your car for too long.  Always take precautions when driving (i.e. checking surroundings and mirrors, following signs, having a plan as to where to go,…)